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The best in hospitality in Neringa 2024: nominate you favourite

Neringa Hospitality Award 2024


At the end of the summer season Nida Culture and Tourism Information Centre "Agila" in cooperation with the Neringa Municipality Administration organises The Best in Hospitality Tourism Business Awards 2024.


Any tourism business operating in Neringa Municipality, providing accommodation, catering, transport or other tourism services, can be nominated following this link.

The best in hospitality tourism business in Neringa can be nominated by all Neringa residents and visitors. Nominations will be collected untill 15 September, 2024.

From 16 September to 26 September, we will invite you to vote for the businesses with the most nominations.

Neringa Hospitality Award 2024 will be announced on 27 September – The World Tourism Day – during the traditional Neringa Mayor's Business Breakfast.

Share your thoughts about leisure and services in Neringa!