This week marks the beginning of the long-awaited repair work on the Smiltynė-Nida road, which will involve renovating nearly ten kilometers of the roadway.
The repair work will cover the road section from Alksnynė to Juodkrantė (8.9 km – 18.9 km), which will will be carried out in four stages. The first three stages will include milling, installing water culverts, curbs, and laying the gravel base and asphalt foundation layers. These tasks are scheduled to be completed by August 30th.
During this period, until the end of summer, traffic on the repaired section will be organized in segments – only one side of the road will be in use, regulated by temporary traffic lights.
In the fourth stage, from September to mid-November, the top asphalt layer will be laid and other finishing works will be completed.
IMPORTANT: The Neringa Municipality apologizes to residents and visitors for any inconvenience and asks for patience and understanding. To ensure a faster and smoother entry into Neringa, visitors are encouraged to pay the local entrance fee in advance online here.
Neringa Municipality Information